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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

10 disasters ... Best development teams !!

When we talk about video games, there are a lot of amazing games in the history of the video game market behind the development teams famous for creativity and submission of the productions we will tell about a long but ... For each horse Kabwa and sometimes the beginning was difficult for these legendary teams and while the team did not succeed in the selection.
Through this article we will show you 10 projects from the development teams that were dazzling with a failure! Why? Well, each game has its different circumstances, but the end result is that we have a weak game that does not deserve to bear the name of this creative team is undoubtedly a stain on its history, if we start the list:
* You can click on the name of the game inside the article to watch a video in case you have not known it before.

- Bungie .. Pre-Halo There was a "Oni"
The famous development team behind the series Halo games from the publication of Microsoft and recently his new title that met a lot of success Destiny was founded in 1991 and during that period was not famous for its strong projects until the promises came with the action game in 2001 before the release of the first game Halo was entitled Oni on the PC And PlayStation 2.
The action of shooting the third perspective and the publication of Rockstar carried with it a lot of promises then to introduce a revolution of this type of games with strong graphics and a unique game system and the nature of Japanese anime drawings, on paper was everything wonderful but the end result to get a game with very modest fees and the absence of artificial intelligence A broken story and a system of play non-entertaining and problems with multi-system conservation Pal

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